Month: March 2014

rsyslog 7.6.3 (v7-stable) released

This release offers a couple of bug-fixes and also supports better interaction with librelp 1.2.5, which in turn supports anonymous TLS on platforms like CENTOS/RHEL 6 where GnuTLS is too old and RELP TLS was completely disable previously. ChangeLog: Download: As always, feedback is appreciated. Best regards, Florian Riedl

rsyslog 7.6.2 (v7-stable) released

This version introduces the support for librelp 1.2.4, thus it it fixes a problem with librelp in the last release.   Note that now librelp 1.2.4 is required as we process it’s new error codes emitted when librelp does not support TLS.   ChangeLog: Download: As always, feedback is appreciated. Best regards, Florian […]

rsyslog 7.6.1 (v7-stable) released

This version is the first bug-fixing release for 7.6. In addition to bugfixes, it also offers some new, unintrusive, features. Most importantly, the way action suspension and resumption messages can now be configured on a finger grain basis. The action naming has been improved and kept consistent and imjournal can now better handle invalid entries […]

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