Month: March 2016

rsyslog 8.17.0 (v8-stable) released

We have released rsyslog 8.17.0. This release brings, among a few bugfixes, a lot of brand-new features. The most important change is probably the libfastjson requirement, which replaces the json-c dependency. There is a new contributed plugin called omampq1 for AMQP 1.0 compliant brokers, a new experimental lookup table support, dynamic statistics counters and many […]

libfastjson 0.99.2 released

We have released libfastjson 0.99.2. This is a new fork of the json-c library, which is optimized for liblognorm processing. The changes consist of a new API and compatibility with autoconf < 2.64. Changelog: 0.99.2 2016-03-07 – new API: json_object_get_member_count() – make comaptible with autoconf < 2.64 Download: sha256sum: 6ff053d455243a81014f37b4d81c746d9b8d40256a56326c3a7921c8bf458dfd As always, feedback is […]

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