Month: December 2013

rsyslog 7.4.7 (v7-stable) released

We have just released 7.4.7 of the v7-stable branch. This is a bug-fixing release. Most importantly it fixes a bug that can lead to segfault on startup and several queue-related issues. V7.4 users are advised to update to this release. More detailed information is available in the ChangeLog.   ChangeLog: Download: As always, […]

EventReporter 13.1 Released

Release Date: 2013-12-09 Build-IDs: Service 13.1.367, Client  Features EventLog Monitor V2: Added support for Remote EventLog Monitoring. In order to work, make sure that the following requirements on the remote machine are met: 1. The Service is configured to run with a administrative user who has rights on the local and remote machine. 2. […]

WinSyslog 12.1 Released

Adiscon is proud to announce the 12.1 release of WinSyslog. This new minor release contains some new features and bugfixes. Logs can now be normalized into XML, CSV and JSON formats. Furthermore, the normalization result is now fully available as regular properties and can be used both for output actions as well as filtering decisions. […]

RSyslog Windows Agent 2.1 Released

Adiscon is proud to announce the 2.1 release of RSyslog Windows Agent. This new minor release contains some new features and bugfixes. Most notably, this version permits monitoring remote machines via the V2 Event Log Monitor. This enables even better and remote monitoring capabilities. International character set support has been improved. The email action now supports subject field […]

EventReporter 13.1 Released

Grossrinderfeld, 2013-12-09 Adiscon is proud to announce the 13.1 release of EventReporter. This new minor release contains some new features and bugfixes. Most notably, this version permits monitoring remote machines via the V2 Event Log Monitor. This enables even better and remote monitoring capabilities. International character set support has been improved. The email action now […]

WinSyslog 12.1 Released

Release Date: 2013-12-09 Build-IDs: Service 12.1.517, Client  Features Updated librelp library to last v1 stable version 1.0.7. File Action: Added file segmentation support for files above 2gb Send Email Action: Added support for UTF8, SHIFT-JIS, JIS and EUC-JP encoded subjects. Normalize Event Action: Added option to specify output type as XML, CSV, JSN (Stored […]

rsyslog 8.1.3 (v8-devel) released

We have just released 8.1.3 of the v8-devel branch. This release contains further performance improvements. Note that both the output module interface and strgen interface have been changed and (some) modules may need to be modified. For the v8 supported rsyslog provided modules this has already be done (see v8 compatibility document for a list […]

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