Month: September 2014

rsyslog 7.6.6 (v7-stable) released

This version adresses some bugs and a security issue. Please note that it fixes a potential remote DoS, which may happen for some (non-default) configurations. As such, users are highly encouraged to upgrade to this version. ChangeLog: Download: As always, feedback is appreciated. Best regards, Florian Riedl

rsyslog 8.4.1 (v8-stable) released

We have just released 8.4.1 of the v8-stable branch. This is primarily a bug-fixing release, but provides one small enhancement, the so-called “bracketing mode” of impstats. It tells impstats to emit begin and end message before and after emitting stats. Please note that this releases also fixes a potential remote DoS, which may happen for […]

rsyslog 7.6.5 (v7-stable) released

This released provides an important regression fix, which rendered 7.6.4 unusable, as selector line evaluation was incorrect. Users of 7.6.4 are highly advised to upgrade to this version. ChangeLog: Download: As always, feedback is appreciated. Best regards, Florian Riedl

rsyslog 7.6.4 (v7-stable) released

This is a new release for the v7-stable branch. It contains a lot of bug fixes and patches. Several issues have been fixed, thus ensuring better stability and reliability. This is a recommended update for all v7 users. ChangeLog: Download: As always, feedback is appreciated. Best regards, Florian Riedl

New 8.4 stable is ready

A new rsyslog v8-stable has been released. It is not just the next iteration of 8.2, instead it will be a new feature release based on the latest 8.3 devel. So please welcome 8.4. Frequent followers may wonder why 8.4 is ready. Originally, we planned to release it after the summer break. The reason is […]

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