Month: February 2018

rsyslog 8.33.0 (v8-stable) released

Today, we release rsyslog 8.33.0. This release has a number of changes, but most of these are under the hood. Some of the more obivous changes are the new include() script object and template json container. Also, rsyslog now has better support for running in a container environment. The full list of changes to rsyslog […]

New Logo Selected

The rsyslog community selected a new logo! The winner is logo 1, also shown here to the right. That logo won with an overwhelming majority, and lead the polls on the mailing list, our original logo selection post as well as a dedicated poll we created for easier and anonymous voting. The logo was originally […]

What are your thoughts regarding current and potential rsyslog support channels?

Overview Traditionally the rsyslog community has sought and provided support through three main channels: mailing list forums ticketing system (at one time Bugzilla, now GitHub) Over the years, the community support options have shifted to the point that we are considering retiring the forums in order to best direct users that post there to other, […]

Help select a logo…

We need a new, a real logo. We have some candidates. Note that  logo 1 was originally contributed in 2014 by “robert s” (whom I no longer able to contact…). Unfortunately, we did never officially adopt it, primarily due to failure on my part. Nevertheless it got pretty popular on the Internet and is often associated […]

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